Samurai-Nihongo World

Thank you for coming here(^^)You can learn japanese together !!!


【How to refuse in japanese】

I show you how to refuse in japanese. ①いいよ i i yo I don't accept it ②やだ ya da I refuse it ③いやです i ya de su I don't like it. ④ごめんなさい go me n na sa i Sorry to refuse it ⑤やめておきます ya me te o ki ma su I'm not for it Please…

【How to order in japanese】

We can order something in japanese. I choose "食べる ta be ru (eat)"as a verb. We detele the end letter of 食べる. 食べる➡︎食べ And we add て to 食べ. 食べ + て = 食べて ⭐️ 食べて ex) はやく 食べて ! Eat it fast !! Let's try it more ①…