Samurai-Nihongo World

Thank you for coming here(^^)You can learn japanese together !!!

【たべる ta be ru】eat , have , try to ???

Thank you for coming here ❗️❗️


I introduce you what meaning " たべる " has.


First, you can use it when you eat something.

For example,


わたしは にくを たべる。

wa ta shi wa     ni ku o     ta be ru

 👉I eat meet.


Second, you can use it when you try to be your  girlfriend/boyfriend.

For example, 


マイクは アミを たべる。

ma i ku wa      a mi o     ta be ru

👉Mike tries to be his girlfriend.


But "たべる" is a little bit rude when you use it to people that you don't know so much.

So It's okay to use "たべる" to your friends that has a good relationship between you and them.


🔥If you have any questions, give me messages on Instagram or Twitter.