Samurai-Nihongo World

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【1.Quiz】にくい ni ku i 👉hard

にくい(ni ku i)means "hard" in English.

You can combine "にくい" with many verbs.

 For example, we choose " 行く(i ku)" as a verb.

 First, you change "く" of "行く". 

"く"ku ➡︎ "き" ki 

And you add "行き" to "にくい".

⭐️行きにくい hard to go


Let's try it more!!


① 泣く na ku(cry) ➡︎○○

○○ + にくい = ○○にくい hard to cry


②走る ha shi ru (run)➡︎○○

○○ + にくい = ○○にくい hard to run


③読む yo mu (read)➡︎○○

○○ + にくい= ○○にくい hard to read


④呼ぶ yo bu (call)➡︎○○

○○ + にくい = ○○にくい hard to call


⑤飲む no mu (drink)➡︎○○

○○ + にくい = ○○にくい hard to drink


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